Hurricane Recovery Resources

Got to Be NC
Recipe by: Lisa Prince

Whipped Nutella Cream Pie

2009 was the first year for the Pillsbury Pet-Ritz Pie Baking Championship and we had 98 entries.  That was a lot of pies and this was the first place winner.  It is simple and delicious not to mention unique. Congratulations again to Domino Ireland of Raleigh!

Servings: 8
Cook Time: Prep Time: 30 minutes; Total Time: 45 minutes
Meal Type: Dessert
NC Ingredients: Dairy

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Pillsbury PET-RITZ piecrust package (2 Crusts)
Filling for the Pie:
8 ounce package cream cheese, softened
Cup Nutella
Cup heavy whipping cream
cup graham cracker crumbs
Tbsp. brown sugar
Dark and white chocolate, grated for topping



Prepare 1 crust according to directions on package.

Optional garnish: With second crust, take a pizza cutter and cut an inner spiral, remove excess. Prepare along with crust.  Allow to cool.

Filling for the Pie:

Beat the cream cheese, Nutella and brown sugar together until smooth.

Whip the cream (save a dollop for top), and then fold this into the Nutella mixture along with the graham cracker crumbs.

Spoon it into the cooled crust and top with grated chocolate.

Place the spiral curst on top of that.  Top with a whip of crème to the center.

Put it in the freezer to make it Semifreddo like a semi-frozen custard or mousse.

Remove it from your freezer 10 to 15 minutes before serving so that it has time to soften slightly.


Recipes found on this page are from Got to Be NC members, staff, industry partners and Stove Side Chats. Stove Side Chats is Got to Be NC’s cooking show hosted by restaurant marketing specialist Chad Blackwelder. This series invites chefs and home cooks from around the state to teach you how to cook with in-season North Carolina deliciousness.